Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here I am... Again!

First of all, I want to say "I'm sorry" because I didn't have the chance to write for almost two weeks! But, here I am again. Due to technical difficulties I wasn't able to post any entries but the time has come just now when Valentine's day is around the corner. Are you all ready to celebrate such a magical day with your significant other? Don't be ashamed of showing your romantic side, there's nothing wrong with that.
Well, I want you all to remember that you have to write at least twice every week. As I've told you before you can write of anything you like. Just make sure you find something interesting to discuss and share with us and that's it!

1 comment:

j3rRyM@I/I said...

Its not because of me, it´s just that I don´t have enough time, I´m almos always busy, specially at work, I´m trying to do my best on this. But, by the end of the week the 8 entrys will be posted.

&%&%&%&%&%%&%AN IDEA%&%&%&%&%&%&%

Listening my favorite radio show (Ya parate) I heard that they have a friend that is an English teacher (a she) from England, they were chatting live on air with her and she wants to learn Spanish, so an idea came to my mind, why not to contact her through that radio show, it´ll be a great idea if we have some kind of video-conferences with her through the computers at the CELEX (if possible, besides the conversational group with the native teachers) so we can get more practice, I already sent an email to them asking them to help us to contact their friend (her name is Laura) but there is no answer, I think it´ll be better to call them, but first I need to know your opinion, if really it is a good idea, or just´ll be a waste of time by trying do that, I just need to know what do you think.

