Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's Tuesday!

Hello everybody!
It's so good to see how much you're working to get the blog thing going on. I can see you're having problems to get things in writing, but don't you worry, that's one of the aims of this activity. The saying goes 'no pain, no gain' and I know you're struggling to get your ideas written in your blogs. At the end I'm pretty sure you'll improve and you'll feel more confident because your level of proficiency concerning the writing skills will have improved. And, who knows... you might improve some other skills as well. This is what this is for, to help you in every aspect possible.
For next time I'll have to assign you a very specific number of words to write down. So, my advice is to write it down in a Word document, count the words and once you are sure about the number of words you'll copy them and paste them in the blog. Hope you're able to understand this instruction and if for some reason there's something you don't understand, don't hesitate to approach me and ask me personally.
Until next time...


j3rRyM@I/I said...

Hey teacher I´ve posted a comic strip on my blog that took my attention, ´cause it´s kind of difficult to understand and I wanted you to check it out, and try to explain that to Us. You should check my blog once in a while I have some interesting links there

Well, gotta do something important.


(_.·´¯`·«¤j€®R¥ (v)åNn°¤»·´¯`·._)


you´re right¡ I´m developing skills i haven´t prantice now, like how to create blogs and comunicating with friends, but the most important for me now is acquire internet in my house, then I will write frecuently.